What brings success? Objects that have been tested by time and different peoples, there are characters that have proven themselves perfectly in such a role. There are 13 lucky talismans that can attract the grace of Lady Fortune.

Many people know from personal experience that even the simplest object can bring success. One has a teddy bear with a torn ear, one has a grandmother's brooch, the other has a bunch of cards or a certain number.
Options for such successful personal amulets (or rather, talismans, if we are talking about attracting luck) can be dark and obscure, and they will all work. But what if "your" topic has not yet been found and identified? To present to your service things that have had a suitable reputation for centuries and in different parts of the world!
If you know what makes you successful, you will find a very wide practical application of this theoretical knowledge. Looking for gifts, wallpapers on your computer desk, pictures that bring good luck? Use our tips to choose your search direction. Pictures of objects and events described below can easily be turned into successful tattoos. You can carry them in your pocket or purse as an amulet or talisman, or put them on a shelf or table in your home. . . - There are many options. But more to the point! But according to old beliefs, what brings success to our lives?
The forest acorn has long been a symbol of strength, power, energy and long-term goals. Consider the old European proverb that mighty oaks grew from small forest acorns. It is the fruit of the oak tree and is associated with the planet Jupiter and the magic of prosperity.
Looking for symbols of success? The bee has been an embodiment of wealth and fortune since ancient times. If you wear its emblem and image, you will undoubtedly achieve serious success. The bee was the messenger of the ancient gods, and its roar was considered the voice of the Great Goddess herself.
The song bird
The songbird is another traditional symbol of good luck. Wearing a bird-shaped talisman gives excitement and cheerful energy. By the way, this may shed light on the old European saying "happy as a bird" or "happy as a swallow. "
The butterfly is a symbol of the magic of fulfilling dreams and prosperity. Butterflies are not "born" in this form, on the contrary, they evolve from one being to another. Thanks to such an insect image, a person's destiny and energy can be changed for the better.
For sale you can look for a butterfly pendant with a pentagram in the middle. Transformation, prosperity and magic - all in one beautiful decoration. Or you can make a butterfly tattoo that brings good luck.
The cat is considered a symbol of luck in many magical cultures. Seeing a white cat in the United States is a sign of well-being, while in the United Kingdom it is a black cat called for a chance. Like the "inviting cat", the mannequin-neko is a symbolic animal that brings prosperity to Japanese culture. This cat shakes its head and invites prosperity to your home or work.
Feng shui coins

Let's continue with the East. His beliefs offer many different items that bring success, but we will mention only one. It is a traditional feng shui tool that is thought to increase wealth and well-being. It consists of three feng shui coins tied with a red ribbon or cord. Carry them in your pocket or wallet. The coins themselves look like ancient Chinese coins - round and with a square hole inside. It symbolizes the connection between heaven and earth. Chinese feng shui coins have proven themselves in all kinds of rituals for prosperity, and it is always good to have them on hand for good luck.
Four-leaf clover
Finding such a person means the grace of fate. The four-leaf clover symbolizes faith, hope, love and prosperity. It is said that the Druids believed that they could see evil spirits approaching while carrying clover. This may explain the widespread belief that planting such a flower is afraid of failure and provides some magical protection.
Fatima's hand
It is an ancient amulet known in many magical cultures of the world. The fingers are connected to each other and have an open right palm shape pointing downwards. This body brings prosperity, strength and power to the wearer and protects it from the evil eye. Fatima's hand is often adorned with a handful of eyes, a six-pointed star and beautiful ornaments on her fingers.
A small hint on the subject: if you want to stop the evil being directed at you, lower your right hand and raise your fingers a little and bend a little. Return the negatives to the source while maintaining a stable, firm body position, and mentally say these words: "Speak with your hands! ".
When asked what brings success, many people immediately, without hesitation, "Horseshoe! "This symbol of good luck from the Old World is always moving upwards - then prosperity will never end. The only place where the horseshoe should be hung upside down is in blacksmithing: then all the success and chances remain in blacksmithing.
In the northern corner of your home or work area, you can place a head horse to increase well-being and have a positive effect on the spiritual energy in the building and the room.
Among other things, the horseshoe is believed to bring good luck because it resembles a growing moon in shape. It can also be used as a subtle symbol of the moon goddess in a house or place where a person works.
success beetle

Many cultures view the success beetle as a good sign. If it sits in your hands, it is a sign of success, a symbol of well-being and blessings of good fairies.
Since success insects eat pests (e. g. plants), their presence in the garden is equally gratifying for gardeners and gardeners. As a useful insect, success insects have long won the sympathy of people. After all, their presence in the field was good news for many generous crops.
A seven-pointed ladybug was considered the guardian of a good wizard and found at least one such increased special success.
Seven (number)
Seven is a lucky number that brings success in many cultures and magical traditions. In ancient times, it was believed that there were seven planets. Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. The Pythagoreans called the seven the number of perfection. In Buddhism, it is the number of people who reach seven special states. There are also seven seas and seven chakras, seven rows in the periodic table of chemical elements, seven colors of the rainbow, and seven days of the week. . . - In general, this figure has a special respect among humanity.
The rainbow is not just a sign of hope. It is also a symbol of the Greek goddess of hope, Iris. The winged goddess used a rainbow to travel between Olympus and the earth.
If you have a chance to see a double rainbow, it is a doubling of your joy and chances. Among other things, there are seven colors of the rainbow, and seven, as already mentioned, is a "classic" lucky number.
Three keys (lock keys)
We have such a symbol of success, which is not very common today. At the same time, the three keys or locks that come together are the ancient embodiment of health, wealth and love. Tradition associates such a talisman with the Queen of Witches Hecate.
From three small amulets in the form of a key or key, you can make yourself a neat, thin magic necklace or bracelet. Look for them in craft stores, jewelry stores, and other stores. And you can be lucky not only in your search, but also in life!
By knowing the things that bring success, you can get a simple, affordable, but less magical object - a picture, a tattoo, a figurine, a wallpaper, and so on. and so on. - and dare to rush into battle to be more in favor of Fortune.